
30 May 2013

Just Breathe....

My 6 year old has been home sick for the past two and a half days...that's 30 hours that I haven't been able to get anything done without 23 interuptions and the usual "Mooooooooommmmm, I need you!!!!!!!"  While taking temperatures, administering medicine, fetching food and water, and playing way to many games of Yahtzee and Uno, I am mentally going over the list of a thousand and one things I'm suppose to be getting done, and as the minutes tick by, more things get added to that list.  I can feel the muscles in my neck and shoulders tightening, that knot building in my stomach as I wonder how late I'm going to have to stay up to try to knock some of those "to do's" off my list.  And then a little voice inside my head says...

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And so that is what I will do...just breathe... because at this point, that is all I can do.

And I will go play Uno for the 36th time, give hugs and snuggles and forget about my list (for now...)

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So for now I will work on this: :-)
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Hopefully, I will be back tomorrow!

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