
Back to blogging

Well, it certainly has been a loooooong time since I last blogged.  I always enjoyed doing it, but a few years back I was at a point in my life both professionally and personally where I just had way to much on my plate.  So non-essentials got put on the chopping block, and unfortunately blogging was one of them. But with the start of the new year,  I am back and committed to posting a few entries each month.

The big news since my last entry is Sumerland Homes & Gardens moved to Cape Cod!  In the spring of 2016 we put our house on the market, and a month before we had to move out, we decided Cape Cod was where we wanted to be.

Your life does not
get better by chance,
it gets better
by change.

We needed a change, and with our daughter having just graduated from high school, it was a good time for us to make the leap.  What a crazy 3 weeks it was!  We quickly found a house in Barnstable, packed everything up, got our two oldest off to college, and arrived on the Cape two days before our youngest started school.  Things eventually quieted down and we enjoyed the change of seasons as we got into our new routine as "wash-ashores".  We absolutely love it here and know that even though it was a super quick decision, it was the best decision for us, and we haven't looked back.  

We are surrounded by such beauty, no matter the season.

As for Sumerland Homes & Gardens, business is growing on Cape Cod.  I have connected with new vendors and trades people, and had wonderful clients this past year.  We worked on new constructions, water front landscape designs, perennial gardens, kitchen and bathroom remodels, and room designs.  And we are proud to announce we received "Best of Houzz 2018".  We truly appreciate our clients putting their faith in us to design them beautiful spaces that they can enjoy with their family and friends. 

We are excited for what 2018 will bring!  We'd love to have to come along.  You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

As always, feel free to leave a comment or ask questions in the comments section below.

Need help creating a home you love? Contact me about our design services.